How does the delivery schedule work? What if I order my fish on Friday, or on a weekend?
Below are some examples of order placement dates, versus when the fish will be delivered. Fish are Always delivered on Fridays. Depending on when your fish are ordered, it could be as few as 7 days until delivery, or as many as 14 days. Need your fish on a specific Friday? Let us know in the delivery notes at checkout.
Orders get sent to the hatchery for harvest each Friday at 2:00P CST, so that is our order cutoff date and time for next-week delivery.
How long will it take to get my fish?
During the normal season, orders placed by 2:00P CST each Friday will be delivered the following Friday.
Do you deliver to my state?
Please check our detailed list here for states that we currently ship to. To be notified when your state goes online, please send us a message here! If you’re trying to place an order and cannot get past the checkout page, that means you’re in a state that we aren’t currently permitted for.
I placed my order! Now what?
Congratulations! We can't wait to get your new fish to your doorstep. Once your fish have shipped, we will send you a FedEx tracking number, so you can see where they are at all times and be notified once they have arrived.
How do the fish stay alive in their box?
The fish are sealed in bags with water and concentrated oxygen. They have plenty of oxygen and water to arrive to their destination via overnight mail, even if a shipping delay should occur.
Do I have to be home when my fish arrive?
Yes, someone needs to be able to unbox the fish within an hour of their arrival. Once your order is placed, we will let you know your delivery date at least a week in advance. We will also send you an order tracking number immediately upon shipment, so you know exactly when to expect your fish.
Do you guarantee the fish?
YES, absolutely! Provided that the Arrive Alive policy is carefully followed (see bottom of this page), we stand behind every one of our shipped boxes of fish. IF YOU HAVE PROVIDED AN UNDELIVERABLE ADDRESS, OR YOU ARE NOT REACHABLE ON DELIVERY DATE VIA PHONE IN CASE OF DELIVERY DRIVER QUESTIONS, WE CANNOT REPLACE THE FISH.
What if there is a delivery delay or issue with FedEx that causes my fish to not make it?
While this is extremely rare, it does happen occasionally due to circumstances beyond our control (boxes missed a FedEx flight, damaged during shipment, or didn’t make the local FedEx truck in time). Don’t worry! We cover all losses that may occur due to shipping delays that cause the fish to not be delivered on the promised day. We know it’s a bummer to not receive your fish on the expected date, but we will replace your shipment at no additional cost to you.
What does the “Estimated Delivery Window” mean on the FedEx tracking page?
The Estimated delivery window from FedEx is just that….estimated. While it is usually close to accurate, please understand that circumstances such as traffic, delivery stops taking longer than anticipated, or other problems on the FedEx side can cause this to change throughout the day. Please do not take the Estimated delivery window as a Guaranteed delivery window. We will text you as soon as your fish arrive!
What do I do when my fish arrive?
Please ensure that someone will be home within 1 hour of delivery to receive and unbox the fish. Fish are only guaranteed up to 2 hours in the box after delivery time stamp. It is critical that fish are not left sitting in the box in the sun, heat/cold, or for any extended amount of time, as their oxygen will deplete.
-Follow the below acclimation steps carefully. Acclimation is the process of bringing your fish up or down to the same temperature as the body of water they are being introduced to, so that they don't go into shock or experience stress. Here is how you do that.
1. Remove each bag from the box. Make sure that there is still air in the bag. If there is not a good amount of air in the bag, the most important thing is to get the fish immediately into the pond. If there is an ample amount of air, move to step 2.
2. Place the unopened bag in the water.
3. When your fish have started moving throughout the bag and are no longer schooling in the middle, you can remove the tie on the bag and release the fish into the pond. Do not leave bag floating in the water for more than 15 minutes.
What happens if some of the fish didn’t make the journey?
It is normal to see a few fish that did not make the journey due to stress, shock, or other reasons. We account for this and include a few extras in every box of bait fish (this means bluegill, red ear, minnows) so that you still receive your full quantity. Also, note that it may take some time for your new fish to swim out in their new home - it is normal for them to remain somewhat still in the location where you introduced them to the water until they've fully adjusted. This can sometimes take a few hours.
We take pride in our packaging and shipping process and very rarely experience any losses. We always guarantee live arrival as long as the below conditions are met. Communicate with us and we are always happy to resolve any issues for you! If you do have casualties beyond a small handful, we offer full store credit for the lost fish. No cash/credit card refunds.
Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order up until the Friday at 2PM CST deadline after your order has been placed; once that deadline has passed for the week, the fish in all orders have been sent out to the hatchery for harvest and can no longer be refunded.
Arrive Alive Policy and Guarantee
Conditions for Guaranteed Live Arrival:
1. Box(es) MUST be received upon the first delivery attempt by FedEx.
2. Box(es) MUST be sent to correct address as provided (make sure there are no typos or missing information), and not a forwarding address or a PO box.
3. If fish are dead upon arrival, you MUST provide a clear video of the fish in the original and still-sealed bag, with the tie still attached within two hours of delivery. Text video to 903-274-8088 or email to info@sportfishdirect.com. Again, video must be sent within two hours of delivery time stamp.
We cannot be responsible for any losses that occur once fish have been removed from their bag, or past 2 hours of delivery timestamp provided by FedEx. Please ensure that you are available to receive the delivery as soon as it arrives, and that your pond is immediately ready to accept the new fish.